

You may feel warm and comfortable when you pray or Johrei. Particles must be finer than before. It makes you comfortable. It is Love of God.
When you are in such spiritual environment and feel comfortable, you will enjoy health. Of course you may get sick, but be patient and you will be healthy spiritually, mentally, and physically.
Try to forget with the thought that the physical body is a clouded form of material. Rev. Nakahashi says; “When I sat before the alter, I felt a breath of air, a gentle breeze. I felt it God’s life itself. In general air bumps against my body and reflects. But at that moment, I felt air penetrating my body and then going out. I can feel it, ‘Oh, this must be a spirit. I am experiencing now. Thank you, God!’”

This story is not surprising. You know, the body is covered with holes and so is the bone. The breeze passes holes in the body.

When you want to live with the thought that you are going to connect to the divine realm, all you have to do is to try to lift up your spirituality. If your thoughts are only to pursue ordinary benefit, this indicates a lower, undeveloped and primitive spirituality. That is a shame. When one is purified, he or she may feel something divine. You can see beauty in nature, beautiful works of art such as flowers, paintings, and so on.

Such beauty of thought creates gratitude to everything you are given. Such gratitude creates the emotion and the joy of faith in you. Emotion of the soul. If you are not such person, your soul has not yet awakened and is being dominated by materialism. Johrei can shake all souls of humans. You have to focus on this aim. How can you be purified? There is a way to find it. You would know how you have changed spiritually and how your body has changed physically.

Meishu-sama called himself as a spiritual scientist. A scientist observes, and we must also learn to observe things. Try to find if there should be a law. Try to observe how God works in the process of purification given to you. God uses individuals like you as his instrument and allows you to meet miraculous happenings around you. And you can witness it objectively.

Your body is a borrowed one. You are being allowed to use it. Know that His creatures are in perfect existence and participating in the divine program. Now you have entered the 21st century. Take the first step to become a spiritual scientist by following the footsteps of Meishu-sama. As you were told today about breathing with Johrei, you may be allowed to lift up your spirituality and then to find how you can improve it. May you be allowed to stay in a God given spiritual atmosphere as long as you can!


I wonder if Johrei people in Japan inhale with the idea that universal life energy from the source of light is taken in when they breathe. I wonder if anyone channels the Divine Light through Johrei with this idea as well. Most have ignored this way of thinking.
This is an area we can change ourselves by learning to observe ourselves from a distance. In doing so, we can learn to change ourselves freely. However, people who only focus on physical matters only, tend to believe only in themselves and their own experiences and will only do things they are comfortable with. Because they always look at things from a physical point of view, those kinds of people usually worry too much and lack confidence in what they are doing. Their thinking is materialistic; their spirits are not working and probably dying. So they first have to be purified. Otherwise they are too spiritually clouded. Since spiritual clouds feed germs and cause diseases, physically speaking, if one is purified, they are not affected by diseases and germs.

If you don’t have spiritual clouds, bacteria will not affect you. They will pass through you and seek other people. Sickness will be totally gone. In Kanji, sickness means ‘energy is being sick’. The invisible power of the soul becomes radiant through Johrei and you get well. When the power gets weakened, you get sick as a result. You must have a basic understanding of this. So you need spiritual training as I said.

In the age of darkness, the healing power was weak. Now is the age of light. And you now have breathing and light shared by Meishu-sama. The power now is amazing! It is important for everyone to understand this.


When you inhale, try to envision that you are receiving the Divine Light into your whole body, as if your spiritual body was getting filled. By doing so, you are taking spiritual training. It is very important in the initial stage of giving and receiving to think of this. When you exhale, envision that everything that is contaminating your spirit is also leaving your body. After the contamination leaves your spirit, you will be able to absorb the Divine Light you received. In addition to that, air you breathe is God’s life itself. Let me share with you some episode of Meishu-sama.
To help patients heal, Meishu-sama apparently experimented with breathing on them. Please try this. First channel Johrei to the front the receiver (recipient) and then breathe on the back. It’s effective and I’m sure you will see the difference. There must be working with some settle or high level energy in this process. This will help eliminate the spiritual clouds of the receiver (recipient). It will also help change the spiritual atmosphere around the receiver (recipient). The receiver (recipient) may feel better than before. He/she may feel blessed and will be in rapture. Try to think by putting aside the physical body and practice what it is called spiritual exercise. Many exercise by walking, jogging …whatever. How about spiritual exercise or training? Try austerity through breathing while Johrei.

When I see Johrei members, however, most of them misunderstand thinking because Meishu-sama once taught us that anybody can practice Johrei without much training. So most love to practice Johrei, but less care about spiritual training for their own good. Let me give you another example; Meishu-sama loved calligraphies written by Zen priests. He said that they are among the finest works of art in the world. Zen Buddhist Priests are in training for much of their lives, and this manifests in the higher spirituality of their art, which are so spiritually high, it makes one want to bow before them. This is the world of faith.



When you see people today, they seem to have been enslaved by the material world, like a high-efficiency robot. They don’t care about the work of mind and soul. They probably have not had enough opportunities to lift up their own spirituality in daily life. That causes their spirits (souls) to weaken, become powerless and then get sick. That is, I believe, one of the reasons of illnesses.

Today, I would like to explain how breathing efficiently works together with Johrei in our daily God’s work. We breathe at every moment without thinking much about it. Try to motivate your spiritual body and soul to breathe. I am telling this because the divine light comes from heaven (divine world?), the source of light. To transmit it to others, all you have to do is to become a better instrument of God. When one’s spiritual body gets clouded, it is reflected to the physical and according to a divine law called spiritual precedes the physical, we get sick. In other words, God’s instrument gets tainted.

When one’s spirit is purified, one’s spirituality is uplifted, one’s thoughts will have purified too. When one becomes spiritually clouded through ego and attachments, they are not easily removed. So this is the point (my suggestion).

As we live, we accumulate impurities. Physically, we are cleansed after taking bath or shower. But what about the spiritual side? Along with Johrei, I recommend the following breathing technique to cleanse spiritually.


Art of Healing 1

Art of Healing (Process of purification of the spirit and the body)
On September 24
By Rev. Minoru Nakahashi

Today’s poems written by Meishu-sama are about the origin of sickness and how to be healed. We are taught that a human being has not only a physical body but also a spiritual body. A human being has a spiritual reason to exist as well as a physical. In addition to that let me add that our soul is an individualized part of God, so we have a sacred existence. It’s important to be aware of this.

We live a complicated existence because we are connected to the three dimensions of the divine realm, the spiritual realm and the physical realm and it is impossible to tell how influence each realm has on us. It all depends on how we think and act. It is probably right to say that 99% of the time we live and are influenced by the physical realm, while 1 percent by the divine realm. That sounds appropriate.

Sickness is a process of purification process and is just a phenomenon (simply mysterious). The cause lies in the spiritual realm. When your individualized part of God (soul) gets weak or malnourished, you get sick. Most people don’t know about this. We must raise our souls as we resolve to overcome our suffering.

After knowing the origin of sickness and how to deal with it, we don’t have to focus on the physical but we should try to live in accordance with spiritual laws. Yes, it is easy to say but hard to do. All the sufferings you may experience in this world must be resolved. For this, you don’t need the arbitrary distinctions between the three dimensions. You can learn from experiences in your life.

You probably notice that when I speak, I close my eyes. The reason I do so is to refrain from merely looking what I can physically see. While it may be best to open one’s eyes while speaking, we cannot overlook things that can’t be seen. So again, I close my eyes. In that way I feel it possible to dip out the water from the deeper place in the fountain. I hope that you can understand.




There is, in the world, several religion types; some more, other fewer notables, that can be classified as big, averages, or small. All, without exception, are considered superiors and they judge the other inferior. For that reason, they forbid the followers of maintaining contact with the other ones, affirming that are demoniac faiths. Besides, they fear the own God in which they believe and they say that there is not salvation for who divides their faith between two credos. Some religions are, in that aspect, extremely rigorous the such point of their preachers threaten with terrible misfortunes, serious diseases, loss of the own life, or until the death of the whole family, case some of their members manifests the desire to change the other faith. For incredible that it seems, that species of faith, quite common in the venerable and old religions, it still today shows even in the most recent doctrines. We see, like this, that as regards to freedom of thought, there are many points to perfect, therefore they persist rests of feudalism not only in the social and political field, but also in the religious person.




That problem is plenty complex, but there is difference of power in a person's Johrei for other, depending on the honesty with that acts or it accomplishes their dedication work. A lot of times somebody looks kindness; however it is bad in the bottom of the heart; another seem bad; however they have a lot of Makoto and they get excellent results with Johrei that supply. There are cases, especially of older members, which do not get many satisfactory effects in cures, because they are dominated by the vanity or for they interpret in an erroneous way the Teachings. Of another part, Johrei of a recent member, that it was not still 'touched' by the presumption, has more power and it brings extraordinary results, almost always. Another point to which we should be very attentive is the availability for the dedication. There are members seemingly good, but that are not devoted enough. In this case, Johrei that they channel is weak, because God only grants to power to who has deserve. Even it seems an excellent person, if he/she doesn't have praiseworthy, it will never supply a good Johrei. In synthesis, it can be said that is important to observe the results. It is impossible, therefore, to distinguish only through apparent observations, nor to admit the truth without first to accept God as the only expert of the human heart. Only of that way there is possibility to understand each other the divine designs.