
Johrei by Meishu-sama

Meishu-sama, whose original name was Mokichi Okada, born in District Hashiba, east of Tokyo, capital of Japan (which in turn is located east of Japan, a country in Far East of the Globe) on December 23, 1882 . Meishu Sama was therefore born in the easternmost part of the Earth, a fact that has profound meaning.

From a poor family, Meishu Sama has always been a hard worker. Since little has developed a high artistic sense, a fact that is partly due to his father, because this antiques dealer. Thus Meishu Sama learned early on the importance of the "artistic eye" and vision of the business, including economic aspects.

He devoted himself, therefore, commercial activities and art studies, leading a normal life until age 40 when, after a series of events began to turn to religion, becoming a staunch supporter of religion Oomoto.

In 1926, he began to receive revelations of God, some of the past, present and future of human history, as well as on the great mission that would be exercised by him in the salvation of mankind. From there, it only became aware that he would be chosen by God to fulfill this mission, but also have the power necessary to carry out such an undertaking.

On June 15, 1931, received God's revelation that it was approaching the era of the Day, starting a march of a new civilization, and also able to teach how they can be eliminated around the world, such as the causes of diseases, poverty and conflict, the main sufferings of humanity.

So Meishu Sama devoted himself, putting his whole energy (body and soul) to spread the teachings that were given by God until his ascension to the Divine World, 10 February 1955.

Photo: Meishu-sama (left bar)



All the things created by God aim for the good of the humanity. They practice, therefore, a celestial mission. Naturally, the art does not constitute exception. From there that the artist should take conscience of his important paper and fulfill it with perfection, contributing in this form, to the establishment of a just society. It is not, however, what it happens. I am astonished while observing the attitude of the artists in general. There are, of course, many people between them that are good; the majority, nevertheless, is forgotten of his true mission, or does not take it into account. Being considered special creatures, they judge that the existence of their sensibility is the expression of individualism, or of genius. So thinking, they act as well they understand, without the least discernment. The society, for his time, treats them like being special and tolerates in them almost completely, which makes them more and more haughty guys. This social behavior prevents them from having the most elevated spiritual qualities, which should be a normal characteristic of the personality of the truthful artist.




Many persons believe that between religion and art there is no relation, I do not agree. It constitutes a mistake. In fact, the art has how target to lift up the feelings, to make the most ample life, to provide joy and to revalue the sense of dignity of the human existence. When someone of certain artistic culture contemplates the spring flowers, the colorful autumn foliages or any other natural scenery, it feels to produce inside you an uncurbed joy. It must be expressed, then, in some form these sensations so that the rest realize there a reflex of the God's Kingdom on the Earth, that ideal world been composed of Truth, Virtue and Beauty, about which I always talk to them.


Johrei by Meishu-sama

Teachings of Meishu-sama


To be perfected in the spiritual world, it is necessary, first of all, to surpass your own ego. We can know so, that in the daily life there is nothing more frightening than the ego. In the teachings of the sect Oomoto, we find the next passage: “Even gods have been wandering because of ego. There is no thing more terrible than the ego. So, it is not good to let it be pointed out”. This sentence, which in so simple way defines perfectly the ego, and it let me impressed me and took me to a deep thought. In the same teaching, the next words are also: “The man must be above all simple”. Sentence what I find very right, so for whom, up to now, he heard my words with simplicity, everything runs normally and without stumbling blocks. It is for me much painful to see persons who fail because of his strong ego. To reach the true faith, it is necessary, above all, to surpass the ego itself, to be simple and not tell lies.